
A Middle-Grade Children's Tale (Copywrited)

Dance of the Snowflake Princess is the magical journey of eight year-old Molly McRee in the tangible world of Magdala – the land of the snowflake sylphs. Neither elves nor gnomes, these human-like beings who live in a cloud, call upon Molly’s services to save them from the evil Pollutio. Unbeknownst to Molly, she is fated by Magdala’s Prophet King to enter this realm of the snowflake makers due to her suffering on Earth. Molly is mercilessly made fun of for her dowdy looks of wiry red hair and thick spectacles. Her meek, timid character cannot resist the torment.

The story of the cloud sylphs has been told to her as a fable. But it is there where she seeks salvation from heartache. Her plea does not go unheard.  When she is called upon great responsibility is asked of her. But Molly does not believe herself strong enough. Through her newfound sylph companions, Molly will discover the courage to offer hope to the people of this troubled land, while tethering the esteem necessary to overcome her fears back home.